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It's truly an alien environment. Intelligence is more related to the complexity of the brain (number and size of different brain components) and the number of connections between neurons. Incidentally, I worked with underwater sonar in the Navy and later worked on a research project studying the underwater vocalizations of bowhead whales in the Arctic Ocean. But how much can they store in their memory?Most people would probably agree that Homo sapiens is the most intelligent organism in our solar system. However, the human brain is relatively small in comparison to the brains of elephants, dolphins and whales. Many parts of the human brain is found in lower order animals as shown in the image below: The surface to volume ratio matters because the higher ratio implies a more complex brain structure. Doubt you can do the Samuel? I think this is impossible to answer without clearly defining what "smart" means, in some way that is valid across species. Whales and dolphins have large brains; brainy dolphins have a brain to body ratio second only to humans. Stack Exchange network consists of 177 Q&A communities including The level of development and complexity is that matters the most. By using our site, you acknowledge that you have read and understand our Biology Stack Exchange is a question and answer site for biology researchers, academics, and students.

I would bet that whales do poorly on standardized IQ tests for example ;)I'll say this: If one were presented with both brains and asked which one belonged to a god-like being, seems like 9 out of 10 people would say the one on the left. Learn more about hiring developers or posting ads with us By this logic tall people would be smarter because bigger body--> more sensory input --> more brainpower.plus the answers in the linked question by @Bez do not support your claimsPlease could you add some supporting scientific material that reinforces your answer and allows further reading.Welcome to Biology.SE! Making comparisons between species is inherently difficult & limited by our species centered narcissism.An orca has a brain 5-7 times larger than a human brain. More generally, intelligence is what it takes to do things that humans do. I'm Tim Tyler - and this is a video about how smart whales are - in comparison with humans. Whales would not have evolved such huge brains unless they were beneficial (& being used)How your brain sees your body: Meet the cortical homunculusWhales don't need to use their immense brain power on hands (that they don't possess). Anybody can answer
Nature doesn't like waste.

Learn more about Stack Overflow the company The whale neocortex is thicker than that of other mammals and roughly equal to that of humans (2.63 mm). Without those references this is indistinguishable from opinion and is unlikely to be well received. I love our curious nature. Cetaceans, of course don't have this ability.On the other hand, at least some cetaceans are known for their remarkable vocalizations, reminiscent of human language. We humans are intelligent because we have high complexity compared to our brain size, our brain has more grooves therefore higher surface than a whale brain. Featured on Meta Biology Stack Exchange works best with JavaScript enabled We can hear the loudest land animals - lions and howler monkeys - perhaps a mile away, but whales can communicate for much longer distances due to the physics of underwater sound. We know: Memory, reasoning ability, etc. The majority of that brain mass is in the frontal lobes- the part of the brain associated with higher cognitive processes (relatively little is involved with motor processes).Brains require a lot of energy. 17 hours ago — Gabriel da Silva and The Conversation US20 hours ago — Ray J. Weymann, Ben Santer and Charles F. Manski | Discover world-changing science. While you have an interesting perspective, your answer lacks supporting references for most of the claims you make. The best answers are voted up and rise to the top "The brains of humans and cetaceans are very different, as are their environments.Our hands give us the ability to manipulate objects, a trait believed to have made enormous contributions to human intelligence. From this perspective, it is fun to ask how Intelligent dolphins and whales are and how animal intelligence compares to our own. We don’t make much of pig intelligence for some reason.] The views expressed are those of the author(s) and are not necessarily those of Scientific American. Octopuses - perhaps the most intelligent invertebrates - can similarly manipulate objects. Therefore they're using it for something else. Anybody can ask a question Start here for a quick overview of the site Still, we really don't know how intelligent cetaceans are.

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