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The only problem is that, late, she is better than you and might kill you, but early you should win over her. Supportive build: Senna's supportive build is to take when you have an hypercarry to peel (for example Jinx or Tristana, when the enemy team has an huge burst, if you feel like your team needs a support more than a carry, or just if you have a more supportive playstyle. Just don't focus her in trades and you win. [10.16] ♥ Hearts Beat Together! She has some damage, but you outrange her, with your E, you can easily escape and not let her R. Also, she can't really engage on you because you disengage, but you can engage on her an kill her.You have more damage than her, an utility kind of superior to her's with your E. In lane, she might poke but when she's OOM engages, if you hit W, she should either flash away, or die. Statistics include Senna's Win Rate, Play Rate and Ban Rate. MOBAFire is a community that lives to help every LoL player take their game to the next level by having open access to all our tools and resources. Counters include who Senna ADC is Strong or Weak Against. Keep your trinket in teamfights to know where she is and you're ok.You outrange her really hard, she can't do that much.

A not fair hitbox, lot of CC, long range with his Q, tankiness, slow, shield, plus some damage. Estadísticas de Campeones, popularidad, porcentajes de victoria, mejores objetos y hechizos recomendados. Her R is also annoying as your autos are slow, you will probably stand 2 ~3 second in her R. If she doesn't have R you're ok. Avoid taking trades, except if you're really good in your game.She E's your W, and when you auto, you give her a frame to Q you. The only problem is he has 2 cc, and you're very vulnerable to CC. You just hate Nautilus.You outrange her hard. You can support us ad-free for less than $1 a month! LoL Best Senna Support Build 9.22. in teamfights you outrange her. In lane, if you hit W, take trades, you should win.He's like so Squishy, he's an easy kill in lane if you hit W. The only problem is his range in teamfights, you won't really be able to hit him unless you flashes.

You does that better Sort by role, rank, region, ARAM. When the enemies picks my Senna, I pick Swain most of the time. Try not to get hit by his stunn, and if you land your W, I think you can go for a trade.The slow probably is annoying, but you have your E to escape, the time for him to stunn you, you should probably be out. Take trades in lane if you hit W.Her invisibility is annoying but she can't really catch you if you E as she can't auto nor E's you. It all depends on your adc wether you win them or not.MAN FUCK THIS CHAMPION When playing with the supportive build, here are the items you should build: See Powered by the Official League of Legends API. Please verify that you are not a bot to cast your vote.Your votes and comments encourage our guide authors to continueYou generally out range him, your W has a big range just like his except yours is easier to hit and has a certainity of rooting if it hits.Kind of annoying as she pokes a lot, but you can poke her back. Trades are free against Sona if you hit W.Soraka is kind of the same as Sona, just rush executioner, as you can do it. You can't really trade and that's annoying. Try to take trades when he fails hook/E but avoid trades post6.If he W you, W him in response, if he dashes on his ADC, he roots them both.
CC? If you hit W she's dead.Tahm Kench is annoying, with his Q and his tankiness, he will go frontline and tank for his teammates. As he's tanky with aftershock, don't try to trade in lane.She will try to all in you, if she does, W her and disengage. you does that better.
Or if she used W and you hit yoursYou're just a better Lux. We hope you enjoy the streamlined stats, fresh modern look, and our new player and match analysis tools! [10.7] Hanjaro's Senna: Support your way to Challenger! He will probably cry about his windwall not blocking your AA and Q and be tilted and that, that is nice.Swain is really really annoying.

E if you see his looking to all In.

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