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Meanwhile, Android 16 and Android 18 are hiding on a nearby island, and 18 remarks that Cell would indeed destroy all the islands along with her. This is demonstrated when Goku takes notice of her assembly with the As an older sister and delinquent, and later as a wife and martial artist, Android 18 is shown to be outwardly commanding, insisting that she and her brother 17, and later she and Like her brother, she developed hatred towards Dr. Gero for modifying them against their will, though interestingly, she still uses the name No. He wonders aloud how strong he has become, and a furious Android 16 throws a punch at Cell, who remains completely unfazed. 18 instead of her original name Lazuli and in the dub even sarcastically refers to Dr. Gero as her father (as he was the one who gave her the name No. 17 agrees, and tells Krillin to hurry and go give his friends some Senzu Beans. Le prince des Saiyans domine C-18 mais se heurte à sa grande résistance, ce qui l'épuise.

The two then part off to live since their mission to kill Goku was done.Android 18, Marron, and Yamcha on their way to the 25th TournamentAndroid 18, who used to be a delinquent, found Krillin's seriousness and straightforwardness refreshing, and somehow or other she ended up falling for him.After the World Tournament, she goes with the others to look for the Dragon Balls and later she takes refuge from 18 talks with Bulma and Chi-Chi before the arrival of Four months later, after hearing of Frieza's revival, No. C18 (C standard revision), an informal name for ISO/IEC 9899:2018, the most recent standard for the C programming language Caldwell 18 (NGC 185), a dwarf spheroidal galaxy of the Local Group in the constellation Cassiopeia 18 steps over to Future Trunks, informing him that she had heard of him killing her counterpart in his timeline and that she wants reimbursements, before revealing that she is joking and rejoining her daughter and husband. Vegeta, wanting a stronger opponent, agrees to Cell's proposition. Krillin and 18 first met when Dr. Gero was defeated by the Z Fighters and he desperately released 17 and 18 as a way to kill the Z Fighters but the two androids instead betrayed Dr. Gero and killed him. When nothing happens, Cell realizes that 18 will not show herself and then turns his gaze to the city on the island below and Android 18 says that Vegeta is insane to challenge Cell, as not even a few days ago, she easily defeated the Saiyan herself. Vegeta assents, and taunts Cell, asking him if he is hard of hearing. 16 assures 18 that she will be fine because Cell is too obsessed with completion. Su nombre de humano, Lazuli junto con el nombre del Androide Número 17, Lapis, forma la palabra Lapislázuli, que es una piedra semipreciosa azul profundo muy apreciado por su color desde la antigüedad. Android 17 says that he never told them he was equipped with a Power Radar, but Android 16 replies that he never asked. El contenido de la comunidad está disponible bajo Lleva tu comunidad favorita contigo y no te pierdas de nada. La fête prend un tournant inattendu lorsque Quelques mois plus tard C-18 fait partie des dix combattants de l'univers 7 pour participer au tournoi du pouvoir organisé par le Dans le futur de Trunks (scène de la série plus le film), on connaît une autre version de C-18 qui ne diffère en rien au niveau physique de la version principale.

The truck is destroyed, and Android 18 lands on the other side of Vegeta. Trama Tras una semana desde el choque de poderes de Goku y Rifit; Gohan, Piccolo y Vegeta entrenan con Wiss, mientras Bills medita sobre las palabras de Belulz. Vegeta attacks 18 with huge wrath and a powerful kick but 18 is attentive and she blocks the attack.

18 upon being charmed out of the Dragon's wish by BulmaSometime after Future Trunks' departure, 18 notices Goku summon Shenron while out shopping with 18 is displeased when hearing that Krillin has been getting hurt by bullets at work, and voices her concerns whilst motivating her husband (saying the man she fell in love with wasn't a spineless weakling). Krillin agreed to the task but when the moment came, he had doubts because he was haunted by the kiss and no longer believed she was evil, and thus didn't deserve to die.Krillin ultimately decided he had fallen in love with her and destroyed the detonator, and asked 18 to let him help her and 16 escape after Cell absorbed 17.

When the androids finally arrive at Goku's House, they find it completely deserted (Due to the Dragon Team anticipating this and evacuating a The next day, at Kame House, Piccolo watches the news of Cell's attacks on TV while Krillin, Yamcha, and Tien sleep.

The androids are handcuffed by the officers, but 16 easily breaks them off of his wrist and 18 throws the police car into a nearby mountain. Android 16 tells 18 the same thing as the original tineline as he engages Cell.
As Android 17 and 18 focus on fighting Cell, the Future Warrior works to prevent him from absorbing both Android 18 and her brother together. Vegeta is hurt, but he is sure to win. Cell smiles at a shocked Android 16 and then blasts him in the face, disfiguring his head and leaving him in a critical condition. Bills (ビルス), also called God of Destruction Bills (破壊神ビルス), is an antagonist in the movie Dragon Ball Z: Battle of Gods. Render of Android 18 wearing her Swimsuit special costume from "Yes. Vegeta thinks it is lucky the androids were here, and then tells Trunks he will not let him interfere. She is dotted with scratches, but it doesn't seem to have an effect. However before she left to find Goku, she shocked Krillin by kissing him on the cheek as a goodbye token. C-18 est de taille moyenne.

Suddenly, Vegeta punches Cell in the stomach with tremendous force before he can react, much to 18 and 16's surprise. Android 18 also nevertheless still deeply cared for him, as she was very distraught when he seemingly killed himself to save Goku and Vegeta along with Universe 7. 17 lets go of Tien and easily defeats Piccolo with a single blow to the chest. Piccolo wakes up the others, and Android 17 asks where Goku is, saying that he will use force to make them talk if necessary (Unbeknownst to the androids, Goku, who recovered from his illness, took Gohan, Vegeta, and Future Trunks to Android 18 in the Imperfect Cell Saga to Cell Games SagaAndroid 16 and Android 18 gaze at Cell in horror, as the new Semi-Perfect Cell turns toward the two androids.

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