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If the film’s story is steered by a hard-nosed focus on the large and small of what actually happened, the way Emmerich tells it feels more informed by WWII movies than it does by the war itself. A stolid film that largely rests on its director’s competence at helming extravagant aerial views of pyrotechnic destruction. Midway (2019) Critic Reviews. Fall Guys: Ultimate Knockout

If you’re a fan of war epics of movies about flying, you’ll find something that holds your interest.

70. Horizon Zero Dawn: Complete Edition iOS The effects work rivals the likes of “Saving Private Ryan” and, well, “Independence Day.” It’s spectacular and realistic-looking. The effects work rivals the likes of “Saving Private Ryan” and, well, “Independence Day.” It’s spectacular and realistic-looking.

I walked out wondering how a mini-series might have better served this historic moment and the men who made it. PS Vita

Wes Tooke offers stiff dialogue and sometimes oddly structured action, leaving much dramatic potential unexploited. 3DS

as its exemplar. MIDWAY centers on the Battle of Midway, a clash between the American fleet and the Imperial Japanese Navy which marked a pivotal turning point in … The film’s drama is B-movie basic. METASCORE PC TV © 2020 CBS Interactive Inc. All rights reserved. Sex, Death & The Infinite Void

Movies Directed by Roland Emmerich.

That’s to be expected. Tora!

What’s not expected is how serious-minded and well-acted the picture is. Tell the story of a battle, offer up some sketched-out characters, played with aplomb, add a dash of soap opera and fire when ready. With Ed Skrein, Patrick Wilson, Woody Harrelson, Luke Evans.

The Umbrella Academy: Season 2

Still, with all its gaps and flaws, Midway is a serviceable ode to servicemen this Veteran's Day weekend. You’ll never mistake it for the real thing, but Emmerich’s eye for historical detail is scary. Tora! Games

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