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Decide which files to backup. So in such situations, you need to check There you can check if there is any problem on iCloud server. Step 2 Follow the instructions to recognize your iPhone. If your WhatsApp backup process is stuck, there are several things that you can do to fix the problem: Firstly, make sure that you are using the latest version of WhatsApp. Unser Tipp: Starte das Backup erst dann, wenn du eine WLAN-Verbindung hast.

You can do this under the Thirdly, make sure that the backup process is running under the right network. We hope our solutions would help you solve your problem.

10 Methods To Fix “WhatsApp iCloud Backup Stuck” On iPhone (2019 Updated) ... Delete WhatsApp Backup in iCloud Storage If you have found another place to backup your WhatsApp data and hope to clean the iCloud storage occupied by WhatsApp, here is how. But no matter how much convenient it is to use but sometime we come in such a situation where we face problem in such option. You may have experienced a drawback in data restore from iCloud. Das kannst du jetzt tun Ich habe unter Einstellungen > iCloud > Speicher verwalten bereits WhatsApp gelöscht, habe von meinen kostenlosen 5 GB Speicher noch ca. You'll be notified when the backup has been successfully created. Hängt sich das WhatsApp-Backup einfach immer wieder auf, kommen dafür verschiedene Gründe infrage. Whatever data you would like to back up like WhatsApp chats, contacts, photos, videos, notes, music and others are backed up. Though the backup frequency is very frequent but you should follow the below steps to decrease the frequency level.Many times, when there is low storage space on iCloud then you can come across WhatsApp stuck on iCloud backup.To prevent from any kind of error or issues on your iPhone/iPad, ensure the So once it will be better to check whether your device needs an update or not. If you accidentally lose your valuable data then with the use of After launching the software on your computer, choose The software for iOS devices supports several data types including social App data, privacy data like After the software automatically detects your device, you have to select file types to backup and then tap ‘Also you can click on folder icon below file types to customize backup file saving path.This entire process will take some time depends on the storage. Yes, one of the reports has confirmed that while backing up data on iCloud, user has face some disastrous situation.The problem was on WhatsApp where user was backing up its conversation but come across a message “After all, we as an iPhone/iPad user think to save any data or conversations safely so that we don’t miss out anything later on.But suck kind of issue is really frustrating and users were looking forward to resolve the issue. Coronavirus: Forscher könnten bestätigt haben, was viele befürchteten

Durch Nutzung dieser Website stimmen Sie der Verwendung von Cookies für Analysen, personalisierte Inhalte und Werbung zu. WhatsApp lädt Backups standardmäßig nur über die WLAN-Verbindung in die Cloud hoch. Fortunately, WhatsApp allows you to do that automatically in the background. Ganz gleich, ob es um deinen heimischen Rechner oder eben um dein Smartphone geht.
Mein WhatsApp iCloud Backup hängt bei 0% und dies bereits seit Wochen.
Apart from this, this tool also provides restore option that can help you in any severe data loss situation. First, connect your iOS device with iCareFone after installation on a PC/Mac. Gehe dazu wie folgt vor:Über den Eintrag "WhatsApp" kannst du nun dein altes Backup löschen.

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