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All Rights Reserved. Others think Japanese troops planned to island-hop through the Aleutians to Alaska Territory, and then invade the mainland United States through Canada.Whatever the rationale, sending Zeroes to the Aleutians would prove to be a critical intelligence error for Japan. One of those planes was the A6M Zero Fighter.The design of the A6M Zero began in May 1937, shortly after the introduction of the Mitsubishi A5M fighter. The Zero cemented its reputation in an April 1942 battle with well-trained English pilots over Ceylon (now Sri Lanka).

Masatake Okumiya, a Japanese officer who led many Zero squadrons and authored the book “Zero,” described the significance of the Allies’ capture of Koga’s plane as “no less serious than the Japanese defeat at Midway” and said it “did much to hasten our final defeat.”As for Koga’s Zero, the plane met its end in anticlimactic fashion. ThoughtCo uses cookies to provide you with a great user experience. Most people hear the word "Mitsubishi" and think automobiles. Designated by the Japanese army as an emergency landing field, Akutan boasted a long, grassy strip that must have looked to Koga like a sure bet for a smooth landing. After three recovery attempts, the Navy finally managed to capture the plane and send it to a base in San Diego, California, for restoration. Other than its armaments, it held only one crew member: the pilot, who was the sole operator of the 2 × 7.7 mm (0.303 in) Type 97 machine gun.

The Akutan Zero: How a Captured Japanese Fighter Plane Helped Win World War II While the Battle of Midway raged, Allied fighters in the Aleutian Islands quietly captured a Japanese fighter … The two companies began preliminary design work on a new carrier-based fighter while waiting to receive the final requirements for the aircraft from the Army. But then, what Japanese pilot wouldn’t swagger with the indomitable Zero at his command?When Koga took off for Dutch Harbor that June morning, he probably expected to complete his mission and return to base as usual. Definitely.

Design and development. And he and his Zero lay in the mist on Akutan, just waiting to be discovered by the Allies.On July 10, as the world’s attention focused on the pivotal Battle of Midway, a U.S. Navy pilot on routine patrol over the Aleutians spotted Koga’s wreckage through a break in the clouds. I used that maneuver a number of times to get away from Zeros.”Using these new air tactics over the ensuing months, the Allies won battle after battle in the Pacific, and the Zero—once the pride of the Japanese air force—was reduced to a kamikaze vehicle. The final specifications called for the aircraft to possess two 7.7 mm In addition, each airplane was to have a radio direction finder for navigation and a full radio set. If I hadn’t known which way to turn or roll, I’d have probably rolled to my left.

Little is known about Koga. First, it was nearly impossible to perform rolls at moderately high speeds. Second, a poorly designed carburetor caused the engine to sputter badly when the plane was placed into a dive at a high rate of speed.

On September 20, Lieutenant Commander Eddie Sanders became the first pilot to fly a Zero in American colors. The inhospitable chain of 120 small islands sweeps westward some 1,000 miles from mainland Alaska into the Pacific Ocean. This meant that forcing the enemy into such a maneuver would confer a tactical advantage to Allied pilots. Until the Japanese attack on Pearl Harbor, most American servicemen had never seen a plane like the “Zero,” so named not because of the prominent Rising Sun emblem painted on the side but for the manufacturer’s type designation: Mitsubishi 6M2 Type 0 Model 21. Confident?

If I had done that, the Zero would likely have turned with me, locked on, and had me. The plane performed beautifully, and Sanders went on to fly 24 test flights in 25 days.

Thus, forcing the Zeroes to dive during a dogfight might make them easy targets for Allied gunners.Now armed with the knowledge needed to best the Zero in combat, the Allies quickly formulated strategies to defeat the Japanese in the air and, just as importantly, demystified the plane’s aura of invincibility. Those servicemen had heard of the Zero’s reputation, though. In a rare sight over Japan -- more than 70 years after WW II -- a restored Japanese Zero fighter plane made a test flight Wednesday. Colonel John R. Alison, commander of the 75th Fighter Squadron, soon arrived by train at Liuchow to conduct the in-flight testing, and thus became the first American to fly a Japanese Zero.

Perhaps even showing a bit of swagger. The A6M2-N floatplane was developed from the Mitsubishi A6M Type 0, mainly to support amphibious operations and defend remote bases.It was based on the A6M-2 Model 11 fuselage, with a modified tail and added floats.A total of 327 were built, including the original prototype. From information that came from Koga’s Zero, I knew the Zero rolled more slowly to the right than to the left. They also required that it possess an endurance of two hours at normal power and six to eight hours at cruising speed (with drop tanks). In an undated service photo, he looks directly into the camera, almost smiling, his left hand tucked into the pocket of his uniform.

Emerging from the ubiquitous fog that envelopes the entire Aleutian Islands chain five or six days a week, Koga acquired his target and strafed the enemy base. A quick and nimble aircraft, it was a few inches under 30 feet in length with a wingspan of 39.5 feet and a height of 10 feet. The two companies began preliminary design work on a new carrier-based fighter while waiting to receive the final requirements for the aircraft from the Army.

Some historians believe the Aleutian attack was an attempt by Japan to lure American naval power away from Midway Island, which would make an Imperial victory there easier. Things didn’t work out that way.

In the process, he discovered the Zero possessed not one but two Achilles’ heels.

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