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The following chart presents the standardized X11 color names from the X.org source code.These shades are not included in W3C specifications, although drafts for level 4 of the CSS Color module include a similar function The fixed brightness settings correspond closely to these formulae to determine the RGB values: Color names are not standardized by Xlib or the X11 protocol. X11 Color Names. Examples might be simplified to improve reading and basic understanding.

In HTML, "Gray" is specifically reserved for the 128 triplet (50% gray) Recent X releases also support the W3C definitions. It aliases to "Green", i.e. In X11, this is simply called "Lime", as no such name existed before. Color … This list of X11 color names was developed at the Massachusetts Intitute of … X11の色名称(英: X11 color names )は、X Window System において色を表すのに使われる文字列であり、単純なテキストファイルにその文字列とRGB値の対応の一覧が記述されている。 … X11 Colors. HTML Color Names Previous Next Color Names Supported by All Browsers.

The W3C specifications SVG and CSS level 3 module Color eventually adopted the X11 list with some changes. These Several groups of colors share the same hue and HSL saturation. "Lime" = "Green" = "X11 Green" ≠ "Web Green". At the top of the window is a sample region containing text. Azure #f0ffff .

Black #000000 . Tutorials, references, and examples are constantly reviewed to avoid errors, but we cannot warrant full correctness of all content. The Windows Presentation Foundation color names match the .NET Framework, Windows Forms, and Microsoft Internet Explorer color names. x11 colors list. Web colors are colors used in displaying web pages on the World Wide Web, and the methods for describing and specifying those colors.Colors may be specified as an RGB triplet or in hexadecimal format (a hex triplet) or according to their common English names in some cases.A color tool or other graphics software is often used to generate color values. W3Schools is optimized for learning, testing, and training. Aquamarine #7fffd4 .

Some color names appear to be brightness or saturation modifications of others because they bear prefixes such as "Light Goldenrod Yellow" and "Dark Olive Green" are special, because there are no corresponding color entries without Several groups of colors share the same lightness or brightness and saturation. colors 256 COLORS - CHEAT SHEET. This list of X11 color names was developed at the Massachusetts Intitute of Technology (MIT)

during the development of color based computer display system:If you want to report an error, or if you want to make a suggestion, do not hesitate to send us an e-mail: This representation is based on UNIX X11 named color values.

The "X11" prefix is an alias for the non-prefixed version, i.e. Errata Exists: There seem to be duplicate color names in the list, and there are clashes between web and X11 colors in the CSS color scheme, as described here.Beware. Beige #f5f5dc . The list of the 145 web "X11 colors" from the CSS3 specification Alice Blue #f0f8ff . "X11 Gray" = "Gray" ≠ "Web Gray". The first versions of Mosaic and Netscape Navigator used the X11 colors as the basis for the web colors list, as both were originally X applications. While using this site, you agree to have read and accepted our

In X11, the original definitions have been preserved (so "Dark Gray" remains a darker shade of "Gray"), but for every conflicting name pair, "Web" and additional "X11" prefixes have been added to ease disambiguation after the merger. These Wikimedia list article about CSS, color, and the X11 systemClashes between web and X11 colors in the CSS color schemeClashes between web and X11 colors in the CSS color schemeThe original W3C names, as used in HTML4/CSS2, before the adoption of the non-colliding X11 names as alternatives. Colors USA Colors UK Colors Australia Colors RAL Colors NBS Colors NCS Colors X11 Colors Crayola Colors Resene Colors XKCD.

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