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This is the third and final Chakra that is related to our The focal energy of the Heart Chakra is the middle of the chest. Try to be as honest as possible about yourself, as this will get you the most accurate results. When the chakra test is complete, click on the images for more information about each of the 7 Chakras. However, the approximation of your Stellar Gateway Chakra is derived from looking at the combination of ALL of the Chakras that you were questioned on in the 7 Chakras Test. As such, it stands to reason that keeping all your Chakras opened and well balanced will help you in activating your Stellar Gateway Chakra as well. Take this free chakra test to find out how open each of your seven chakras is. Muladhara - Root Chakra. This represents your Physical, Emotional, Mental, and Spiritual Essences ... in other words your entire self.

As with any online test, take it with a grain of salt. Take our quiz to discover which of your chakras is out of balance so you can begin to realign your subtle body for vibrancy and overall well-being. It is important to note that your Chakras can be active at different energy states depending on the time of day, your mental and physical fatigue, the level of your meditation and yoga practice, as well as any of the many external factors that influence us on a daily basis. Listen to my 6 HOURS FULL CHAKRA ACTIVATOR ZEN MEDITATION MUSIC || RELAXING MUSIC OPEN MIND and check out my other videos on my channel. As such, it stands to reason that working on opening these four Chakras in particular will help you in activating your Soul Star Chakra as well. The purpose of this test is to help you find the chakra that is most imbalanced within you (and therefore needs to be worked with first). An unbalance Expression Number 1, on the other hand, represents someone who can be overly opinionated, self-centered, intimidating and overly critical of others.Opening up and unblocking our Chakras is a means by which we can become more balanced, and by doing so bring out the positive energy that is associated with the numbers in our The Chakra Test below is composed of 70 questions (10 questions per Chakra), which are used to estimate the state of each of your seven Chakras. Chakra Test. This sixth Chakra is related to our The Crown Chakra is centered at or above the crown of the head and is related to our In the 9 Chakra System, the Soul Star Chakra is the 8th Chakra. It's very difficult for me to feel safe in the world.I often feel stuck in my emotions, especially if they are negative.It's easy for me to feel other peoples' pain and it drains me.I have an addictive personality (whether it's to a substance, food, shopping, or TV).Other people's opinion can easily influence the way I feel about myself.I have a hard time finding inspiration to create or do new things in my life.When I hear about somebody talking about spiritual guidance, I become very suspicious.I will not hesitate to speak my truth, even if it means I'm in conflict with someone.It's easy for me to make a decision and stick to it. This is our fourth Chakra, but the first that relates to our As the name suggests, Throat Chakra’s focal energy is centered at the throat. Everything in life is connected in some way, and although Chakras and Numerology seem like different topics, there are some overlaps.For one, you might have noticed that the color vibrations we associate with numbers 1 to 9 in Numerology are the same as the color vibrations of Chakras 1 to 9. This Free Chakra Test is an online tool to test and balance your Chakra system. provides general information on the chakras for educational and entertainment purposes only. The Root Chakra is located in the region below the genitals, or at the base …

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