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We would like to share with you some changes to the structure of some of our Wyscout API endpoints.The competitions and seasons endpoints will have a significant change in their structure.Firstly, we have implemented a pagination system, to solve the problem of endpoints crashing in certain circumstances, especially when the output is large.https://apirest.wyscout.com/v2/competitions/108/playersThe object “players” is the same as before, but now there is a new “meta” object that contains information about the pagination.Therefore, when the total number of players is greater than the page size, you will need to call the following page(s) to access the remaining players, with the following syntax:https://apirest.wyscout.com/v2/competitions/108/players?page=PAGE_NUMBERThe current page size is set to 1000 as to not substantially affect most competitions, especially at the league level.There are few exceptions that will have more than 1000 players and these can be addressed using the pagination system.The pages should be easily iterated using the new meta fields described above.The following variables have been added to the current output of the endpoint while the global structure is not changed.The following endpoint will now show default details about each listed season, fetching data from the corresponding season/wyid endpoint.Wyscout is a registered trademark of Wyscout Spa | Sole Shareholder Company | Corso Garibaldi, 32/8 16043 Chiavari (GE) ITALY | VAT IT 01499880993 | Share Capital €149.052,50 fully paid| R.E.A. “total_items”: 1749 – is the total number of players available for this competition “page_size”: 1000, – is the current size of the output of each page "players": [{ LIST OF PLAYERS }] The object “players” is the same as before, but now there is a new “meta” object that contains information about the pagination. GE-414043| Fax + 39 0185 014 577 | Phone + 39 0185 1835990 | www.wyscout.com |Management and coordination ex art. 2497 c.c. Consent may be expressed also by clicking on the OK button or by continuing to surf, even by scrolling mode. by Agile Sports Technologies, Inc. - Information notice This website uses profiling cookies, including third-party cookies, to deliver you targeted advertising and services in line with your preferences. Click here to find out more about this or to decline all cookies or just some of them. If you continue to browse and use this website you are agreeing to our use of cookies.

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