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My favorite is Pensacola, since she's much more unique than dallas - Dallas is a fine ship, but there are several T6 6-inch cruiser who all play kinda similarly - you get your IFHE out, keep distance and do insane numbers of damage. Why? Eventually, a design was founded in November 1923 and finalized in March 1925 that would become the Both lines need some FXP help to skip their A Hulls, but the problem is more apparent on Dallas. Both Worcester and Des Moines I've heard are good ships (though I personally have no desire to play Tier 10 for now), but it's generally accepted the USN light cruisers have a more specialized, situational, and a …

本日はTier6のツリー巡洋艦7隻の装甲を紹介をしよう.同じ巡洋艦でも装甲に違いはあり,口径・表面装甲・防郭装甲の違いで攻めやすい・にくいがある.Tier6帯は1.戦艦・重巡に弱い ニュルンベルク2.戦 … Even though Dallas is the only one who has an entire line of ships similar to him. The cruiser was armed with 203 mm main guns, on the basis of which she was re-designated as a heavy cruiser soon after commissioning. However, the ship's armor actually corresponded to that of a light cruiser.After the end of the First World War, the U.S. Navy realized a need for a new class of cruisers that would outclass the British Design studies began as early as 1919, but because public opinion was opposed to new armaments, the U.S. Navy was forced to deliberate on seven designs (from light to heavy cruisers) until the Washington Naval Treaty was signed. To compansate for the lack of DPM, the Pensacola has a better penetration value for HE and way better AP.

The pathetically light armor of Pensacola makes her one of the more difficult-to-play cruisers of Tier VI, given her tendency to take heavy penetrating and citadel hits at all angles. Dallas have an extra consumable, so extra 22.5k credits per game if you want to maximize your effectiveness. But with IFHE on the Dallas, the HE penetration values are the same. I’ve grown to actually like the Pensacola because she seems to pack more of a punch than the light cruisers. The Pensacola might score a citadel hit occasionally, but the Dallas is more consistent overall.

The first U.S. Navy cruiser built under the limitations of the Washington Naval Treaty with powerful artillery but weak armor, which was characteristic of such ships.

Dallas has a 30-40% higher DPM (damage per minute) than the Pensacola. Jump to: To log in, select the region where your account is registeredNo boost to continuous damage in a reinforced sector.The enemy is alerted that a bearing has been taken. A version of a small light cruiser design, the development of which preceded the creation of As the first modern light cruiser design in the American tech tree, Dallas differs significantly from her predecessor, Captains looking to improve upon the ship's anti-aircraft abilities may find Pensacola is the first heavy cruiser in the American cruiser branch, though "heavy" in this case refers strictly to her 8-inch guns and not to any sort of durability. Depends on your play style. If you want to feel like you’re hitting hard with your shots (at least for a cruiser) I’d recommend the Pensacola. Jump to: To log in, select the region where your account is registeredNo boost to continuous damage in a reinforced sector.The enemy is alerted that a bearing has been taken. Dallas — American Tier VI cruiser.. A version of a small light cruiser design, the development of which preceded the creation of Helena-class cruisers.She had the features characteristic of most subsequent ships of this U.S. Navy type: moderate speed, the absence of torpedo armament, and the availability of dual-purpose guns complementing the 152 mm main battery mounted in the turrets. If you like throwing more HE shells downrange and setting more fires, I’d probably go with the Dallas … Pensacola or Dallas line? If you aren’t rich (I meant that both in game and irl), then 1 point to Pensacola.

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