world of warships carrier reworktamoxifen und alkohol

Unless of course that is the plan. I put a lot of stock into both Fem and Fara's opinions, but I will have to play with it a long time to see if it's a long term solution instead of just novelty hiding a nerf.

It is understandable that those that do well with the current CV game play would not like the changes. Sure, you add those set ups you'll likely see everyone gravitate to 2,1,1 or 1,1,2, but thats because they offer better flexibility at controlling the air and helping sink ships, same as IJN and why most go 2,2,2 over AS.Pretty well thought out. The only thing I've heard about the CV rework that wasn't explicitly in the Q&A is a comment from Notser on a video about the session, found

Combined bad AA with poor maneuverability makes you fodder for A carrier alone, much more for 2. All trademarks and trademark rights pertaining to warships and aircraft are proprietary to the respective rights holders. You are also expected to run counter to the enemy CV and its very rare to find an enemy CV who is at your skill level.

This is the part that would scare me the worst if I was a CV player. So more fighter squadrons does not mean a superiority.

See and I thought that the disparity between the skill set of a new CV player when facing a skilled CV player was so disproportionate that no one wanted to endure the months of being waffle-stomped required to "GIT GUD" with their CVs, though I will readily admit that the micro-management you mention could certainly be a part of that.

This is a post aimed primarily at addressing problems with American CVs, specifically, what I believe is their primary weakness.

Well it's supposedly supposed to be more like regular ship controls than the current RTS style. Outmatched in squadron number by the greatest margin of any American carrier, Agreed on most parts, but i think you kinda overlooked the fact that more planes per squadron can be a good thing for torp bombers. This also reduces the discrepancy in relative squadron size buff that Air Supremacy gives the IJN: the USN now gets a 20% buff compared to the IJN's 25%, whereas with a 6-plane squad it's a 16% size buff. Well it's supposedly supposed to be more like regular ship controls than the current RTS style.

It should be noted Noster even admitted non carrier player CCs found it more enjoyable. Maybe it is just me but I don't think so.

My opinion on why so few people stay with them is that the extreme level of micromanaging required to do well with them is what was driving all but a very few out. They might want to do more to improve the ship side of WoWS. Members. you're not likely to hear anything about it until they're 100% in on it. However, it's also in a very early state and will need a lot more work. On the other hand I won't complain, because I know they are working on it. every time they allow players to see a change before it's completed, the sky begins to fall. Sadly, I think that is the plan as it makes more since less players to pay off when they change, or remove carriers. Currently, American carriers can potentially field the same number of aircraft as a contemporary Japanese carrier, but it is condensed into fewer squadrons, which results in a severe loss of operational flexibility. every time they allow players to see a change before it's completed, the sky begins to fall. And USN doubles down on effectiveness of manual drops because of the tight grouping, reasons you say me saying the mechanic needs to go away, not that IJN's is much better if used well. It should be noted Noster even admitted non carrier player CCs found it more enjoyable.

For a class that needs to be able to take on multiple roles if it is to best support its team, this is a Quick clarification on nomenclature: when describing carrier squadron configurations, One more thing: I haven't played the USN CV line on the live server, yes, and I don't even have a T8-10 CV in the IJN line purchased, but I've routinely played both lines on PT all the way up to T10. I have no idea how that's going to work.

The CCs that played carriers heavily universally panned it saying it ruined carrier play. This is a post aimed primarily at addressing problems with American CVs, specifically, what I believe is their primary weakness. Meaning a good ways off but at least they have something currently in testing. Notser just did a video on this, and now I am desperately trying to find the transcript.

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