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It is said that the berries and mushrooms as well as the Chernobyl animals should not be consumed for food because of the high radiation content.Because of the radiation levels, some trees and shrubs have dried up and changed colors while others are short when they should not be like this. Die Mutationsrate war bis zu sieben Mal höher als bei den Kindern in der Kontrollgruppe. Der Verein Tschernobyl Kinder unterstützt Kinder und Jugendliche aus dem District Lugini auf ihrem Lebensweg 18 verstörende Fakten über Tschernobyl, falls du nach der HBO-Serie nicht genug bekommst. What a beautiful place it was.Creepy course Chernobyl mutations pictures, but interesting to look at how dangerous the radiation over time.Symbiosis of domestic and wild Chernobyl animals is continuation of nuclear catastrophe. Most of the mutations we documented are still classified to this day. There were many health effects that were short term and long term after the disaster. Mutationen. This applies to both animals and humans that suffered from Chernobyl mutations in their generation and those that followed. Gesundheitliche Folgen von Tschernobyl Seite 4 Kurzfassung Die Katastrophe von Tschernobyl hat die Welt verändert. After the accident and due to the radiation, healthy foods were not available since crops could not be grown on the land. In der Ukraine stiegen die Krebsfälle bei Kindern in den ersten fünf Jahren nach der Katastrophe um. Without people around, they thrived on the plants since they were not removed or destroyed to be used for other purposes such as building and farming.There were many signs of radiation effects on the animals. It was said by the French government that the radioactivity did not pass Italy. This means that the genes you have that are given to you by your parents. Reproduction of the animals was difficult because of the high radiation levels. Main thing to protect humans from radiation – is a new strong Sarcophagus.I look at this picture of Chernobyl animals and I get scared. Some facts from here for me have been very frightening discovery.OMG, I am really shocked with this article. It was the radioactive cloud that affected the country as well as other countries, far and near. There are times when genes are affected and other cases where the genes and DNA remain untouched. Some were given more effective doses than others. Le graphite toujours en combustion, mélangé au magma de Il faut donc au plus vite maîtriser le feu de graphite et faire face à la présence de débris hautement radioactifs projetés aux environs par l'explosion.

With all my heart I wish that humankind could no longer see such tragedies!I’m shocked.. This was due to the radiation and other debris and chemicals that were released from the Reactor that exploded. The population continued to increase but not without health effects. At times, circumstances out of our control can have an effect on us. Non, nous devons demander à en savoir plus, et nous armer de données pour résister à ceux qui essaient de nous endormir avec des demi-vérités »« deux radionucléides ont soulevé des problèmes sanitaires, tant à cause de leurs effets que des quantités rejetées : le césium 137 avec 85 « Officiellement, selon l’ONU, la catastrophe n’aurait fait que 33 à 55 morts, et provoqué 600 cancers infantiles. Einige Forscher nehmen einen Zuwachs von genetischen Mutationen bei Kindern von vom Unfall betroffenen Eltern an und beobachteten diesen nach der Nuklearkatastrophe von Tschernobyl. I had a nephew who was born with hydrochepalis and anenchephalus. Ce n'est qu'ensuite que le réacteur pourra être isolé par un sarcophage. « Le modérateur, qui a pour fonction de ralentir les neutrons afin qu’ils produisent plus efficacement une réaction de « Les réacteurs RBMK ont pour principale caractéristique de posséder un « coefficient de vide positif ». But they couldn’t have really done much else to my knowledge.This nuclear disaster happened in the USA also. Chernobyl disaster is a horrible event. The exposure to radiation was only estimated and not actual figures. Because of high radiation levels, radioactive iodine was present so Chernobyl animals did not have food that was safe for consumption, especially cows. Radio-activity influenced on DNA and on genetics all living.This Chernobyl human mutations at this photo are very scary for me. And mutations look really bad.This is an incredible loss for all human beings and animals . Some of the swallows found in the area have physical mutations and physical abnormalities. This applies to both animals and humans that suffered from Chernobyl mutations in their generation and those that followed.

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