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They kiss and she tells him that's way better than chocolates. Danny says that Steve has been really happy since she’s been back, Catherine says she has too. Catherine then remarks on how he must be since Steve gave him the keys to Danno's car. Catherine tells if she could be in two places at once she would, but Steve tells her she’s picking the place that he’s not going to be. She later tells Steve and Grover that they made the right decision by putting Ian on that plane in the first places even if he got away. Amir explains that he tried to rescue Najib, but there were to many for his to fight, which caused his GSW to the stomach. She's pulled out by Amir and his wife when the Taliban drive away. Catherine pulls out her badge and asks Five-O and asks again when is Sato. Steve her not to do that to herself and hugs her as she cries. They quickly make their way to Amir's house, his wife lets them in. She pulls over to check under the hood when a tow truck stops next to her asking if she needs any help.

Catherine says this is not what she had in mind. Steve tells her it's good to see her, Catherine tells him it’s good to see him too. Steve then asks why she turned down Billy's job offer, Catherine replies that it wasn't right for her. She then sits down and plugs the USB with the prototype on it into the computer. Billy drops Catherine at Steve’s home after work. She tries to get the information to show in the big monitors but is unable to swipe it from her tablet. Catherine gets back up and fires at the car tail lights as the man drives away, while making her way to the fallen down Billy. He makes a joke about how Danny shouldn't be driving his own car in which Catherine responds "like he ever did." Catherine can then only watch as Steve is injured by a grenade and captured.

He tells Catherine to go outside quickly, as the Taliban are coming. Catherine and Kono then follow Steve and Danny as they chase down the tour tram the nuclear warhead is on. In the car he says that part of him had doubts they could make it work, after seeing Catherine in action, he knows he made the right choice. Catherine then says that leads to the reason she's here. She notices that he just lost a game, she moves closer and says betting against the table hasn't been working for him.

Catherine is at headquarters with the rest of Five-O as they try and find the nuclear weapon hidden somewhere on the island. Catherine tells him it took him long enough, they then join everyone that’s dancing to the song We Are Family. Catherine is able to give Najib back his ball. As the Taliban search Amir’s house, Catherine was hidden the well out front.

While there Aunt Deb says to Catherine that she's figures Catherine is going to be around for awhile and asks her to make sure Mary and Steve stay close once she's gone. Steve asks way she's so sure they take that road when they move out. Steve tells her she needs to stay at the hospital and rest. She quickly does that. On Kono’s wedding day, Catherine shows up at Steve’s place rocking a beautiful blue dress, all Steve can say is wow.

She is then taken hostage and her captors use her phone to call Steve.

Chin asks her where she got the file, which Catherine replies a friend in the bureau. Steve was just joking and tells her to relax. Steve doesn't answer straight away and then painfully tells Catherine that Billy is gone.

Aunt Deb asks Catherine to take her to the most beautiful place on the island. The FBI wanted to talk to her, but instead she went into hiding. Catherine asks him what he'll be doing with his next, and he offers to tell her over dinner. She then notices that Steve is gone. He tells her he doesn't know a Sato.

And that was a decision she had to make on her own. They stop at the sight of blood, and they both dismount to continue on foot. When the prototype is finally unloaded she answers Steve's phone call to tell him he can arrest Ian now. Steve’s phone then rings, he’s got a case. Chin says he knows Catherine already has an idea of who that person is.

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