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He deprived men of their rightful inheritance, when he desired their wealth, as rumors claim he did following the death of Lord Aegon gave away priceless treasures to Lords who managed to please him and for the sake of his desires: an example, on one of his many trips he gifted a From a young age, Aegon indulged himself with women and continued to do so after his marriage, even during his own reign. Seine Schwestergemahlin Neben den neun "öffentlichen" Mätressen hatte Aegon eine Affäre mit seiner Cousine, Prinzessin Auf seinem Totenbett legitimierte Aegon seine Bastarde und platzierte sie damit in die Linie der Nachfolge nach seinem Erstgeborenen, Die Bastardsöhne und -töchter, die Aegon mit Frauen von edlem Blut gezeugt hatte, wurden "Hohe Bastarde"Das Lied von Eis und Feuer Wiki ist eine FANDOM-Literatur-Community.Diese Information findet nur in der englischsprachigen Ausgabe von Da es Gerüchte gab, Aegon sei der Vater von Falenas Tochter Jeyne (welche im Jahre So hast du deine Lieblings-Communitys immer dabei und verpasst nie wieder etwas.

Aegon was born the fourth son and fifth child of then-Prince Maekar Targaryen and his wife Dyanna Dayne. Targaryen, auch bekannt als Aegon der Unwerte (engl. He quite openly flaunted his mistresses at court, to the distress of his wife. Er besaß einen kleinen Mund und einen langen Bart, der das Fett seines Nackens und seines Kinns verdecken sollte. Im Gegensatz zu den Königen vor ihm besaß Aegon IV. Aegon Targaryen has been the name of several members of House Targaryen: . He wore a new crown he had made, huge and heavy, red gold, each of its points a dragon head wi… He had as many as nine Aegon's misrule started with small acts of pleasure, but in time his appetites knew no bounds and his corruption and oppression led to acts that would haunt the realm for generations to come.
While some lords saw opportunity in the gluttonous, corpulent king who could easily be convinced to part with honors, offices and treasures for a chance at pleasure, many others who condemned the king's behavior flocked to Daeron. He owned a dragon egg, which was colored with green and white swirls, placed in his cradle with him when he was a babe. By the end of it he was bloated and fat. Das Königreich Dorne gelangte erst 150 Jahre später durch eine Hochzeit unter die Herrschaft der Targaryens.

Accounts differ as to why, the most likely explanation being that Aegon knew that his hold on his throne would not be secure if he disowned his son. Aegon in jungen Jahren mit Vater Viserys und Mutter Larra (von Magali Villeneuve ©Random House)Aegon behauptete in seinen letzten Jahren, insgesamt mit über neunhundert Frauen geschlafen zu haben, von denen er aber nur neun wirklich geliebt habe.Nach seiner Thronbesteigung hatte Baelor außerdem seine drei Schwestern Daemons Geburt führte zu einer weiteren langen Fastenzeit Baelors, welcher sich schon zuvor beinahe zu Tode gehungert hatte, als die Zwillinge von Naerys kurz nach der Geburt gestorben waren. His eyes were almost lost in the fat of his face, his legs too weak to support his belly. Am Ende seines Lebens behauptete er, mit mindestens neunhundert Frauen geschlafen (die genaue Anzahl konnte er nicht nennen), allerdings nur neun wirklich geliebt zu haben. eine neue und schwerere Krone.

―Varys. Aegon's treatment of Naerys inflamed matters between Aegon and his brother, Aemon. He loathed his brother, the cruel and sadistic Aerion, who threw Aegon's pet cat down a well. Aegon IV Targaryen, also called Aegon the Unworthy, was the fourth king of his name to sit on the Iron Throne and the eleventh king of the Targaryen dynasty to rule the Seven Kingdoms. Er zeugte zahlreiche Bastarde und legitimierte sie auf seinem Totenbett, womit er den Grundstein für fünf Aegon begann seine Herrschaft, als er jung und gut aussehend war, endete sie jedoch als alter, fetter, aufgedunsener und korrupter Mann. The women at court were largely those who could do the same, letting him slake his lusts upon their bodies. It would mean civil war, as many lords who were sickened by Aegon's depravity would defend Daeron's rights. Seine Augen sollen im Fett seines Gesichtes beinahe verschwunden sein. Trotz der Behauptung, dass Daeron der Sohn von Naerys und Aemon sei,Schließlich wurde Aegon so dick, dass er kaum mehr gehen konnte. However, out of all those women, Aegon claims to have only ever truly loved nine.

Er herrschte von 172 bis 184 n. A. E.[1] Aegon war der älteste Sohn von König Viserys II.
Aerion once visited Aegon in his bedroom durin… According to Valyrian and Targaryen tradition, Aegon married within the family; however, instead of taking only one sister to wife, as had been common, he married both of them. Being attractive, he was popular with women both highborn and lowborn. He had a small mouth and a large beard used in an attempt to cover the fat of his neck and face. His wife, Besides these nine "official" mistresses, Aegon had had an affair with his cousin, Princess While on his deathbed, Aegon legitimized his bastard sons and placed them in his line of succession after his trueborn son, The bastard sons and daughters born to Aegon IV from noblewomen were known as "Great Bastards".That King Aegon, he had any woman he wanted, whether they were married or not. Aegon had already acknowledged multiple children by two of his four mistresses, and more children would follow.

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