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It’s designed to dominate at range and proves itself capable at close range. Reply. Gerade gehen einige Artikel über die simulierten Luftkämpfe zwischen F-22 Raptor und deutschen Eurofightern durch die Fachmedien und -blogs. This picks up heat changes around it and can by this spot subsonic aircraft as far away as up to 100km+(The Germans say). I’m a fan of the SU35 but it isn’t as advanced & the thrust vectoring would rarely be used in combat due to the speed it bleeds.. Radar Range & Killzone of Eurofighter:Simple math, kiddo. The sole intention of a strike fighter is to fight its way to a target, destroy the designated target and fight its way home. …. F-22 Raptor vs SU-27 F-22 Raptor. Yet, they don’t cry about it.

SU35 vs F22 RAPTOR vs EUROFIGHTER 2013. Show facts and logic before you make your claim. You just wait, kiddo.

Somethings never change the Germans have still got to be number one in everything, and there arrogance is still with them.I can’t say whether the authpr of the article is German (though some spelling mishaps suggest so), but even if, we’re debating one single person’s arrogance – maybe – or, more probably, simply a mistakeeveryone could possibly make.I, as a German, stumbled immediately when I read “German aircraft”.You’re the arrogant one, you say England when you should say UK. Schon vor dem Bericht im Danger Room tauchten einige Fotos auf, die F-22 Abschussmarkierungen an Eurofightern zeigten.Inzwischen kocht das Ganze hoch und der Autor des Artikels auf Danger Room wird als unpatriotisch beschimpft. The F-22s cried off, claiming that they were “unstealthed” anyway, although the next day´s scheduled two vs. two BWR engagement was canceled, and “the USAF decided they didn´t want to play any more .– When this incident was reported on a website frequented by front-line RAF aircrew a senior RAF officer urged an end to the conversation on security grounds”Capability in wartime and a chance encounter between fighter jets are totally different.
We are using unmanned aircraft where the “G Force” limitations are the airframe itself and not the pilot. F22 + Eurofighter = Total dominance of the skies. man, that place is going to be a warzone soon.I think it will take quite some time before the F-22’s full potential can be realized. He emerged from the “Hunter 90” and was placed under Helmut Kohl in order. No supercomputer aircraft can override human intelligence. All the USAF gotta do is buy a couple of the Eurofighter planes and take it back to the US.

Während die F-22 selber frei entscheide, wann und wo sie sich auf einen Luftkampf einlässt, seien es bei der F-35 nur die Fähigkeiten und Erfahrungen des Piloten, die das Flugzeug vor einem Abschuss retten können.„Generell sollte der F-35-Pilot einen Nahkampf um jeden Preis vermeiden“, betont das Magazin. Because all you’re doing here is making stuff up. It’s just good at everything which makes it the best in the World. – Photo: Sgt Jack Pritchard, RAF/MODThe EF Typhoon is a 4.5 generation multirole fighter which was introduced in 2003 by its creators BAE Systems, Airbus Group and Alenia Aermacchi where it showed off a delta wing setup with canards and a brand new twin engine. Dogfight chances definitely depend on scenario. All Rights Reserved. Learn your history before making such silly commentsAnd all this is speculative nonsense guys – these are highly advanced platforms in fluid engagements, there are too many variables to say “which is better” – both are excellent systems to be proud ofI Would like to point out that the F-15E “StrikeEagle” is a air to ground attack aircraft not built for air superiority. While specular the thing to watch is how the aircraft exits the manoeuvre and how long it takes to pick up speed!The simple truth is no matter what advantage you gain from the use of technology it will be countered by the use of technology. – ISNB: 1-880588-91-9 (casebound) or ISBN: 1473-9917.IT might be over budget and years late but the Eurofighter Typhoon has shown that it can shake off America’s best fighter plane and shoot it down. !Please…you know nothing of what you speak.
Most of the comments keep talking up the F22 having its long range missiles as an advantage, you do realise that the RAF Eurofighter Typhoon HAS THE SAME MISSILES (AMRAAM) as the F22 don’t you ? Only because we are an island, the UK could probably have held out indefinitely had the US not gotten involved militarily. We’ll see how your beloved Typhoon stacks up against the F-35 Lightning. Die Lockheed Martin F-22 Raptor (englisch für Greifvogel) ist ein Luftüberlegenheitsjäger der US-Flugzeugbauer Lockheed Martin und Boeing, der ausschließlich von der US Air Force als Nachfolger für die F-15A-D Eagle eingesetzt wird. The topic has been widely debated; many say that the EF Typhoon would out battle the raptor any day, whilst the Americans, of course, claim the opposite.

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