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Jak II: Renegade (Plattformer) für . As the Krimzon Guard and the Underground join forces to resist the invasion, Jak breaches the nest and locates Kor. Nimmt man den großen Verkaufserfolg hinzu, ist ein Nachfolger schon fast Pflicht gewesen. Ihre zuletzt angesehenen Artikel und besonderen Empfehlungen Jak II - Renegade. Ehrlich. He intends to weaponize the Stone and use it to destroy the Metal Head home nest, unaware that doing so will also destroy Haven City. Initially unbeknownst to Praxis and Errol, this last experiment is a success, giving Jak the ability to transform into a mutated version of himself with increased strength, reflexes, stamina and aggression. Alles zum Spiel mit Wertung, Download, Systemanforderungen, Release Termin, Demo und Patch, Tipps, Forum und Lesertest. Torn explains that Praxis is at war with the Metal Heads, an evil race of biomechanical creatures that date back to Precursor times. Meanwhile, Vin, an Underground agent tasked with maintaining the city's defenses, is killed, allowing the Metal Heads to launch an invasion. It is time to fulfil your destiny! It was followed by Jak 3 a year later. The Underground is led by a mysterious figure known as the Shadow; his lieutenant Torn refuses to let Jak speak to him. Kor admits that he arranged for Jak to be mutated so that he could acquire the Stone, which would give him the power to destroy Mar's descendants. Entdecken Sie Bücher, Schreibwaren, Laptops, Schreibtische und vieles mehr. Each of the 65 missions is explained in a step-by-step Walkthrough chapter illustrated by detailed and precise screenshots Complete overview maps to each level All mission briefings in full Our innovative back cover fold-out assures that the legend to all maps stays in view at all times A quick-search index gives you immediate access to the information you seek A dedicated Secrets chapter explains: Where to find each of the 286 [Precursor Orbs] (and yes, we tell you what to do with them) All details on the [Skull Gems] Everything on the 27 [Burning Bush] missions The two [Secrets] menus and what that's all about anyway!Amazon berechnet die Sternbewertungen eines Produkts mithilfe eines maschinell gelernten Modells anstelle des Durchschnitts der Rohdaten. Mit welchen, teilweise genreuntypischen Elementen die Jungs von Naughty Dog uns... Bearbeiten. However, early on the player can discover Jak's \"Dark Jak\" mode (activated with once the eco meter is full), and can unleash a more unruly melee skillset, with eventual dark powers like Dark Bomb and Dark Blast. As the younger Jak is pure and untouched by Dark Eco, he is the key to unlocking the Stone's energy. However, the arrangement went sour and the Metal Heads began attacking the city more and more. Sie hören eine Hörprobe des Audible Hörbuch-Downloads.Etwas ist schiefgegangen. Neue Infos zu Jak II: Renegade Bitte versuchen Sie es später noch einmal. The Kid turns out to be Jak himself, sent into the past to protect him from the Metal Heads, so that when the time came, he could challenge Kor's evil.

After collecting enough Dark Eco, Jak can transform for a limited time into a beastly version of himself that deals great damage and can kill enemies a lot quicker. Jak and Daxter discover the sacred site is Samos's hut, now overgrown. Several members of the Underground were taken captive and Jak must rescue them. Other important characters include Torn, the second-in-command of the resistance movement known as the Underground; Sig, a Metal Head hunter/Wastelander (someone who gathers artifacts from outside the city); Krew, a vastly overweight gang lord; Tess, a barmaid; Errol, the Baron's right-hand man and commander of the Krimzon Guard; and Ashelin, the daughter of Baron Praxis who helps the Underground behind her father's back.

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