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The range upgrade is welcome but optional, as To log in, select the region where your account is registeredNo boost to continuous damage in a reinforced sector.The enemy is alerted that a bearing has been taken. 1 year ago. In order to be able to use all the functionalities of our platforms, you must agree to access the API. I've been defeated, sure, derped and got nuked by a Kagero, or gangraped by two Yamatos, it'll happen to everyone. Its just specifics of high tier guns/armor - they simply get penetrated. Target Acquisition System Modification 1 . To be successful you really only need two things, foresight and teamwork. 15,000. It´s superior in every possible way but it will only make you a better captain fighting that ship. With the majority of the armor focused around the citadel area where the crucial main turrets, propulsion system, powder magazines, and coning tower are located the North Carolina is able to equip more armor in these crucial areas instead of wasting it protecting non-critical areas.This World of Warships North Carolina armor guide will break down the USS North Carolina based on armor thickness and also based on the critical areas of the ship like the powder magazines. Yamato like some people said "makes you forget everything you had to learn to play BB", you dont worry about enemy angles, you citadel enemy BBs at every angle, and just command a real mighty ship. Flamu 46,730 views. Main Armaments Modification 1. If you purchase a product after clicking an affiliate link, I receive a small percentage of the sale for referring you, at no extra cost to you.

when facing packs of CAs.I've read pretty extensively around the higher tier BBs and you will always find people who say Colorado is great but NC is bad and NC is great but Iowa is bad but I think the general consensus is that they are all good. So far having fun with the NM, I asked some people if I should get the Colorado now that I'm close and the reply is mostly that I should skip the whole USN line. He actually citadeled me through the bow, for a total of 25k dmg or so, the return volley of just 6 bullets, took 68k ! When I got the North Carolina, I expected a Colorado, but faster. Stock at least. I it worth getting something like AFT, or would it be better to spend the points on AR and something else? Panzerknacker 15,897 views. Im giving some real life values at 10km (since i dont know the in game ones), for the listed guns/ammunition for USColorado stock - Mk1 gun, mk3 shell - 950kg shell at 790m/s - 580mm penetration at 10kmColorado max - mk5 gun, mk5 shell - 950kg shell at also 790m/s but with more body weight -  600+mm penetration at 10kmNC - mk6 gun/mk8 super heavy shell - 1220kg shell at 700m/s - this one had a bit lower penetration - below 550mm, but considerable more power if it penetrated.Iowa mk7 gun/mk8 shell - 1220kg  at 760m/s - the lack of penentration is gone thanks to longer barrel and higher speed - penentration up to 630mm at 10km, keeping the super heavy shell weight (in fact above 20km range its effectiveness was higher then Yamato's 460mm shells). You have to be rather aggressive with this build because the closer you are to enemy ships, the more dangerous you become, remember to stay at the edge of your detection range because you really don't want people to know that you are lurking around until you've deleted them. 0 … This called for a 27-knot (31 mph; 50 km/h) ship with twelve 14-inch rifles in quadruple turrets and protection against guns of the same caliber. Updated North Carolina guide for ranked and random battles. Against cruisers and BB, they don't do very well and you still have to rely on your main battery to do most of the killing. With regards to the treaty limits, the design had an extremely comfortable margin with a standard displacement of 31,750 long tons (32,260 t; 35,560 short tons). The North Carolina is truly formidable. World of Warships - Asia Language Based Communities  Destroyers making suicide torp runs, the manual secondaries provide, in my opinion, a decisive advantage and can make the difference between eating a spread of torps, and getting a kill. And what do I do about Captains? You are not part of the spearhead force. When stealth camos, module and captain skill are equipped her detection range drop down to about 11.8 km, this is very useful as at such range, you can delete any cruisers as they won't be aware of your presence most of the time.At the start of the round, unless you spawn in the middle of the formation, follow the ships on your flank and stay within the formation to provide AA cover.

Her torpedo defence is garbage (19%) so the course of action is to avoid the torpedoes in the first place.When fully upgraded the North Carolina can travel at 27.5 knots.

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