wows moskva legendary moduletamoxifen und alkohol

3-4 k per game is tiny, main battery guns are your bread and butter.Using the secondary, 3mil module gives you a 25% reload buff is I remember correctly. Because the missions for the legendary upgrades can't spawn anymore. It's basically 1 extra salvo every minute and a half if you're running reload mod instead, rng depending that might be more or less than the additional hits you'd get from tighter dispersion depending on range and the extra range you get to shoot the targets at. But the rest are all in there. This module is very very worth it. He need to get research points and then use them to obtain stuff from RB. I'm not sure why this is new to you, all of us vets know we can't get the missions anymore. So that means you cant get legendary modules in general at this point? I mean they could make it the first premium/special ship with a legendary module and I don't mind. Got quite a few T10s researched from back in the day but not sure if I want to grind them again. Moskva has rail guns so my personal hit ratio with it is high, that's why I t's so hard to gauge this mod. I'm not sure why this is new to you, all of us vets know we can't get the missions anymore. Never submarines, they said.

You do you while the rest of us who play it do it better.Very much. Is the mission removed already, does anyone have an idea?

2020-04-18 Ads added, disabled by default.

Petro long range dispersion is worse. I havent seen it anywhere, but what is going to happen to the Legendary Module after the changes to the Russian Cruisers? So after a while I got Moskva's legendary module. Moskva to many players can be considered a contradicting ship. You need to play a total of 50 battles to post in this section.

I hadn''t played for a while and now getting back to it. It could happen that they put it on one of the new Russian ships, but I think that this truly would be nospread (not just Moskva lowspread), if the leaked dispersion curve (less dispersion than other ships until a few hundred meters below max range) that was out there is true.

Share this post. Also Petro is still WiP so it could change. Working on my second T10BB, I have the Yamato right now and love the hell out of it.

2,479 battles [BIZZ] ElGoldfish Seaman; Players; 4 posts; 2,479 battles; Report post # Posted April 8.

Is -11% dispersion noticeable? 906 [FORCE] Reinhard_of_Avercland. I'm almost finished the 3rd stage.

As soon as the special upgrades can be bought with research points, probably. Poor dpm can be offset by either shooting more often or hitting more often.Her base dispersion is on par with other cruisers but if you run range module, your dispersion at max range makes your sniping dpm meh.If you don't have the legendary module, reload should be your go to in most situations.As for the legendary module itself: Last season of ranked I didn't play my Moskva nearly as much because I found her to be less than optimal. I mean they could make it the first premium/special ship with a legendary module and I dont mind. I have a sneaking suspition the LU will end up beeing baked into the ship itself to justify her existence as coal ship otherwise why would you take her next to Petropavlovsk? 10,435 battles [FORCE] Reinhard_of_Avercland 906 Rear …

Moskva Legendary Module after Release of A. Balanskin and Petrobalansk I absolutely LOVE the North Cal (did 200k and 6kills with it a couple days ago), having trouble but still doing ok with the Richaleu but far from loving it. I'd rather shoot slower, but land more shells.

Moskva plays as a fire-support vessel, but has enough HP to tank quite a few hits if necessary. [CR33D] Moskva has the second-highest Cruiser HP pool after Stalingrad at 65400, giving her the ability to weather quite a storm.

6 comments in this topic. Even on the kurfurst, secondary build isn’t optimal.Definitely worth it. 2020-06-11 Ship Comparison added for testing.

So if I want to compensate for turret traverse decrease I need to forfeit my secondaries and some reload time.My question is does the legendary module actually helps that much or it's just another moduleDon’t run secondaries on a cruiser, just don’t. Suboctavian confirmed the legendary Would remain.

Press question mark to learn the rest of the keyboard shortcutsCookies help us deliver our Services. ; 2020-04-30 Google Ad enabled by default while making adjustment.

I know one clan mate is using upgrade for Moskva and likes it. This season I play moskva almost exclusively - I honestly think it's because of the legendary module.

4 posts.

I give my thoughts on each one and tell you wich are the best, and which are the worst.

Using word "pay" is suggesting that he must use real money for it. I miss the faster reload rate, but hitting 9/9 shells at 19km makes up for the difference in dpm.Honestly though, Moskva is a long range specialist but also a heavy support ship.

lol you cant the mission any more those ended 2 patches ago............. 21km of firing range is no joke either, and good luck for any BB to deal any decent damage to angled Moskva 18-21km away while it burns that BB with all 3 guns.New comments cannot be posted and votes cannot be castA game about huge boats. 1,772 posts. WoWS Survivability.

Question [BIZZ] ElGoldfish . I know that but why does he need to pay up now? Moskva legendary module 0; Sign in to follow this .

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