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Body and Mind of Taiko – Stuart Paton (Open to All) Participants will learn about the relationship between the Body, Mind, and Taiko in this intellectual workshop. This style based on Korean drumming and made popular by taiko artists like Leonard Eto and Ryutaro Kaneko has become very popular for its ability to cover a lot of area and perform complicated rhythms on both sides of the drum.An introduction to this exciting style involves various techniques for hitting the okedo, exercises to practice with and a focus on how to move while playing. Please contact us on info@taiko.co.uk or 01357 522 008 to check availability before booking online, as spaces are limited to 18 participants. (Open to All) This workshop will focus on ideas for soloing on beta-stand taiko. The central motif is “Taiko that dances”. The Taikoz members and associates who lead our workshops are all highly trained performers and teachers. This workshop has been created so all members of your family (8+ years) can experience the joy of playing taiko together.

Emphasis will be on timing, playing with precision, grip, sound, nori (groove), and relaxing. Participants will leave with tools and concepts to strengthen their groups at home, an increased knowledge base of the variety of taiko organizations and their purposes, and several methods of how groups outreach and engage the community around them. (Beginner) This workshop covers a set of fundamental techniques to help players improve their overall technique when playing Odaiko.

The Taikoz members and associates who lead our workshops are all highly trained performers and teachers. NATC 2019 is a gathering for all types of taiko enthusiasts! Through exercises, drills, and sharing some excerpts of repertory (Joe’s included), participants will uncover ways to liven up and add texture and nuance to existing group and solo material!

Prior musical training is not a requirement.You do not need to purchase a pair of bachi (drumsticks) to participate in this workshop. Registration for Fall 2019 Taiko Foundation I and Taiko Foundation II is now open! This class will concentrate on the intricate shime daiko techniques and patterns found in the lively festival music of Edo Bayashi (Tokyo festival music).

(Open to All) Kenka Yatai was composed by Yoichi Watanabe of Amanojaku and is a standard piece learned and performed by all of the group’s students. The "Learn-Taiko!" Family Play Taiko Workshop Sunday 14 April 2019 - Term 2 2019 Term 2.

This workshop is designed to cover some fundamentals of soloing musically and is open to players of all experience levels.

You will be given a pair to use.Keep up to date with all Taikoz news by subscribing to our newsletterKeep up to date with all Taikoz new by subscribing to our newsletterWe are thrilled to continue our fun and fascinating workshop series – Family Play Taiko. (Advanced) Taught like a dance class to music, this workshop teaches brand-new naname snippets demonstrating “tiny choreo”, “full choreo”, “glitch rhythm”, and “taiko taiko!”, plus how to combine themes to create effective development. The energy is maintained in the silence (unlike Western music where the silence is called a rest) Also important is ‘iki’ (breath); in general, the breathing is slow like meditation but can be held for accents or to accentuate the emotions of the music. Whether you’re a solo or ensemble player, or consider yourself a leader or newbie to the taiko community, you’ll come away from this workshop with new friends, a greater sense of connectedness, and tools and knowledge that will help you achieve your taiko goals.An introduction to this exciting style involves various techniques for hitting the okedo, exercises to practice with and a focus on how to move while playing. In this way, Kabuki bayashi was created.This workshop will introduce some patterns for taiko, otsuzumi, and kotsuzumi found the tottan system (8 beat cycle from Noh music) on Nagado and chirikara byoshi (patterns between otsuzumi and kotsuzumi unique to Kabuki Bayashi) on Nagado. Accompanied by Shamisen, this song is both intense and fun to play. Parents and children; grandparents and grandkids; aunties, uncles and nieces, nephews – everyone is welcome!Family Play Taiko is a unique family experience that will energise, stimulate and excite.

Since then, it has been adapted by KODO and played amongst many taiko players around the world. The instruments, which originally come from Noh theater, are taiko (shime daiko), otsuzumi (large hourglass drum), and kotsuzumi (small hourglass drum). (Intermediate) Fight is an intermediate level Bonten song created for Bonten’s debut performance in Jamaica. Powerful and graceful, the form lends itself to both rhythmic and movement expression.

Participants interested in learning about the deeper meaning behind the Taiko are strongly encouraged to experience this workshop. 19.-20. In this workshop, we will experience a series of games and activities that strengthen ensemble listening skills, develop rhythmic sensitivity, opening up creative avenues, while enhancing stage presence and group interaction. Available to any level of player with little to no experience playing this style. There is also a discounted bundle option for those who want to take both classes at once for $250.

Experience the thrill of playing & learning taiko in a group, in a supportive atmosphere with some of the top instructors in the UK, and gain a unique insight into the fascinating world of taiko drumming. This workshop has been created so all members of your family (8+ years) can experience the joy of playing taiko together.

Taiko is a musical team sport, an expressive martial discipline and irresistible fun.

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