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"After the shooting, Yousafzai was airlifted to a military hospital in On 11 October 2012, a panel of Pakistani and British doctors decided to move Yousafzai to the Offers to treat Yousafzai came from around the world.Yousafzai had come out of her coma by 17 October 2012, was responding well to treatment, and was said to have a good chance of fully recovering without any brain damage.On 3 January 2013, Yousafzai was discharged from the hospital to continue her rehabilitation at her family's temporary home in the The murder attempt received worldwide media coverage and produced an outpouring of sympathy and anger. Eventually, a (Pakistani) Taliban spokesman said they were "forced" to act. Protests against the shooting were held in several Pakistani cities the day after the attack, and over 2 million people signed the Right to Education campaign's petition, which led to ratificationOn 12 October 2012, a group of 50 Islamic clerics in Pakistan issued a Although the attack was roundly condemned in Pakistan,On 15 October 2012, UN Special Envoy for Global Education The police also arrested six men for involvement in the attack, but they were later released due to lack of evidence.In April 2015, the ten who were arrested were sentenced to life in prison by Judge Mohammad Amin Kundi, a counterterrorism judge, with the chance of eligibility for parole, and possible release, after 25 years.

Juli 1997 im Swat-Tal in Pakistan geboren. Juli 1997 in Mingora, Pakistan, geboren. I was afraid going to school because the (Pakistani) Taliban had issued an edict banning all girls from attending schools. The Pakistani military had pushed the Pakistani Taliban out of the cities and into the countryside. Death threats against her were published in newspapers and slipped under her door.On 9 October 2012, a (Pakistani) Taliban gunman shot Yousafzai as she rode home on a bus after taking an exam in Pakistan's Swat Valley. Weitere prominente Geburtstage hier auf Der 12. But then I said, 'If he comes, what would you do Malala?' My mother made me breakfast and I went off to school. Malala Yousafzai, the Nobel Peace Prize-winning woman who survived being shot by the Taliban, has completed her degree at Oxford University. Juli: Wer hat zusammen mit Malala Yousafzai Geburtstag?Berühmte Persönlichkeiten aus dem Jahrgang 1997: Wer wurde im Jahr 1997 geboren?Weitere berühmte Personen der Gesellschaft: Menschen & Helden des Alltags.© 2010–2020 I want education for the sons and daughters of the (Pakistani) Taliban and all terrorists and extremists.Yousafzai received several standing ovations. "In February 2009, girls' schools were still closed. then I would reply to myself, 'Malala, just take a shoe and hit him.' We were told to prepare certain chapters for the exam but I do not feel like studying. Ban Ki-moon, who also spoke at the session, described her as "our hero".Malala day is not my day. There are so many crises in our country. According to reports, a masked gunman shouted: "Which one of you is Malala?

Yousafzai's family reunited, and on 24 July 2009 they headed home. "Stewart visibly moved by her words ended the conversation saying, "I am humbled to speak with you".On 10 October 2014, Yousafzai was announced as the co-recipient of the After she was awarded the Nobel Peace Prize, there was praise, but also some disapproval of the decision.Adán Cortés, a college student from Mexico City and asylum seeker, interrupted Yousafzai's Nobel Peace Prize award ceremony in protest for the In March 2018, Yousafzai was the subject of an interview with Reception of Yousafzai in Pakistan is mostly negative. On Facebook, where she was an active user, she began to receive threats. Malala Yousafzai ist eine pakistanische Menschenrechtsaktivistin, die sich international beachtet bereits als Schülerin gegen die Unterdrückung und für das Recht von Kindern auf Bildung in ihrer Heimat einsetzte, 2012 bei einem Attentat der Taliban schwer verletzt wurde und 2014 den Friedensnobelpreis erhielt. As Yousafzai became more recognised, the dangers facing her increased. It is we who make cultures and we have the right to change it and we should change it. Malala Yousafzai [məˈlala jusəfˈzə͡i] (paschtunisch ملاله یوسفزۍ, Urdu ملالہ یوسف زئی‎; * 12. Jahrhunderts geboren. On 24 January 2009, Yousafzai wrote: "Our annual exams are due after the vacations but this will only be possible if the Pakistani Taliban allow girls to go to school. Her father had read in the newspaper that the government and the militants were going to sign a peace deal the next day. The group had already blown up more than a hundred girls' schools.Following the edict, the Pakistani Taliban destroyed several more local schools. But then I said, 'If you hit a Talib with your shoe, then there would be no difference between you and the Talib. Sie ist die jüngste Preisträgerin in der Geschichte des Nobelpreises und die mit Abstand jüngste in der Geschichte des Friedensnobelpreises. Malala Yousafzai wurde am 12. Yousafzai's family was denied permission to attend the award ceremony in India by Pakistani authorities over security concerns, so the award was smuggled to her father by British-Pakistani film maker Sevy Ali. She would hand-write notes and then pass them on to a reporter who would scan and e-mail them.In Mingora, the Pakistani Taliban had set an edict that no girls could attend school after 15 January 2009. The prime minister made a long-awaited announcement saying that it was safe to return to the Swat Valley. Sie kommt Ausgewählte Links zu Webseiten mit biographischen Informationen über Malala Yousafzai:Das Ranking von Malala Yousafzai auf wird berechnet aus Faktoren wie Relevanz, Bekanntheit und Popularität.

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