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I saw a couple of review that say the app is rigid in terms of certain foods like sunflowers, and though I appreciate the sentiment, I am using the app for weight loss and do indeed want to know if a food is high in caloric content.Thank you very very much for your detailed feedback!

Bet I can burn 2!).
help … Op zoek naar een gezondheidstracker om op koers te blijven?

Wij hebben de beste dieetplannen voor elk doel. Lifesum is available for both Android and iPhone, why not give it a try?Life Score™ gives you a weekly score on your health, based on 16 nutrition and exercise measures. If you're ever unsure, double check that all nutrition values are correct and if you find any errors you can always either edit the item yourself or report it. Even on this old phone, where everything else crashes.

To get a score, we have a minimum value of servings that need to be tracked and also that you have to track food from several of the Life Score™ categories (protein, whole grains, refined grains, salt, sugar, processed food, red meat, fish, fruit & berries, vegetables, alcohol, saturated fat, unsaturated fat)If you have previously done the Health Test and have activated the habit trackers (any of them - veggie, fruit, red meat) you will then get a score for the habit plus the result from the last test as an update every week.We have created a weekly score based on the information we can get from the user. If you use the app and track your food daily, you’ll get a score based on what you have entered (food, exercise, water). I did, however, get constant reminders to update my weight.


I hit my goal weight just before Christmas, which was an amazing feeling! 3. We would like to look into this! - Health Test & Life Score – a weekly health score based on 16 nutrition and exercise measurements, so you understand where you are and what’s net for you to build a healthy lifestyle Lifesum Premium Subscription (1, 3 and 12 months): Thanks again for helping me get back on track! Get healthier today together with Lifesum. The aesthetics alone are what make this the most effective app, and it is super smooth!

If there is already a way to do this, I hope the settings for it become easier to find. The score comes with an overview of what you did good and what you need to work on, as well as great advice on how to improve your health.You get a full overview of how you perform with your:Weight and health doesn’t always go hand-in-hand, but Lifesum want to make sure all our users stay healthy while working on their weight goals, which is why we include features like the Life Score™.
Your message was received. Lifesum originated as a Stockholm-based digital start-up launched in 2008.

Thanks for contacting us. And the step counter that equates steps to what you burn makes me just competitive enough with myself to make me want to walk even more (I burned 1.5 croissants?!?

Each Monday, you will get a I’m a happier, healthier gal.Easy to use, love the interface and how it has recipes and keeps me on plan.

From taking the Health TestIn order to get your score right away, you need to answer the 41 questions that make up our Health Test. You also get an explaining text: Perfect, healthy, balanced, imbalanced, off track.

Although, we cannot guarantee its accuracy. 150.

10. Please contact us directly at with more details regarding the issues you are referring to, such as screen shots and phone model, lifesum version etc. There are diets to suit a variety of goals, tons of trackable fitness activities, and a friendly, supportive guide that keeps the science tucked away behind the scenes.This app is great.

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