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but of they are allready in over 10km and running away it's bit of a gamble, as they are much more accurate (have better dispersion) and Kongo will most likely run away with it's superior top speed...The sip is absolutely great if you get below 6km decent up to 9-10km, and worthless in longer distances.THis sums it up...seeing how 95% games are 4-5dds and or 1-2CVs getting in to 10km is close to impossible without detection. Last bismarck i outbralwed was a full secondaries speced. I use AP pretty much all of the time when I play Scharnhorst. [WAIFU] The Gneisenau is a good ship. What you're describing is a cruiser, not a battleship. I did however think that the reason the German ships, or at least WWII BBs didn't have crests is because once the war started they were removed. BTW, why not Scharnhorst? Even BBs will be hurting due to your secondariness and torps. As for Gneisenau: I played her with a full secondary build and that did not work for me. They all sticked to the B-Hull and grinded out the XP with it. IJN and USN BBs have reasonably accuracy for battleships. The only point is that you can torp some other BB, but that's it.

They both fill a different niche, and are both good at what they're doing. The ships were the same, sure Scharnhorst only ever reached 31 knots, but having biggers guns and all of that later proposed refit jazz would probably mix up the facts for people. Spamming HE? Scharnhorst has none of those, and while some cruisers have more than that 20mm side plating, all t5-6 cruisers and some t7 cruisers have susceptible to Scharnhorst 11 in guns. While I sold mine, since I like Scharnhorst better. In Ranked I play with 7,6 km secondaries, and they are used not so often you may think, because you have to deal with that huge number of enemy torpedos.I'm not sure what the purpose of brawling with Gneisenau should be. Even Cruisers can make the AP bounce as long as they have at least 20mm plating amidships (which almost all of the T7, and several T5 and T6 Cruisers have). what is meant by utility are things that support the team. [IRQ] But she is also not 100% a Battleship. I have 42 battles with Gneisenau and i have 55% win rate, it is a good ship ... u have to play close range with it .. more like a cruiser at 32 knots u can make excellent rushes but depends most on your team mates how they playing (campers) i usually move with DD`s and support them.

Since no one is capable to carry  While I played it the secondaries had less range and slower reload. And that is what makes Scharnhorst so unique and successfull as a Premium ship. Mouse will be reviewing ships found in the tech tree and has opted to start with one of the gems found among the German Battleships: the Gneisenau. You need to play a total of 10 battles to post in this section. Gneisenau actually received the 380 mm, they weren't fitted because of the Royal Airforce raid that crippled her if I recall correctly.

he's not talking about the guns, he's talking about the bow and the superstructure; giving him a valid point. This type of turret was installed aboard The interior of an SK C/28 150mm turret, similar to one of those installed aboard You seem to not share my definition of very heavy. You are right about that.
I read somewhere that her dispersion got artificially increased at ranges above 10 km but that may be just a rumor/feeling due to the lacking density of her guns salvoes.Like her real life counterpart, she is not a ship of the line but rather a great raider and more suited for hunting down or duelling single ships. Change your direction and/or speed once in a while, and don't charge destroyers.

Take them away and there would be little reason to buy Scharnhorst. The most important ones were the addition of an Atlantic bow in 1939 to improve the seaworthiness, the removal of the optical rangefinders of the A-turret in 1941 due to the lenses being constantly coated with water, the aforementioned addition of triple-tube torpedo launchers in 1942, and the continual addition of radar and sensory equipment for the purpose of detecting and engaging opposing vessels. Both ships, as you say are not a ship of the line. Scharnhorst however never reached that number. I can attest to this as well. But if you're talking manoeuvrability, Gneisenau is one of the best. Gneisenau — German Tier VII battleship. You must have not been here last year when this all was discussed to death. So if anyone wanted to play a T7 BB with 283mm guns, he could just play B-Hull Gneisenau. That's a good thing because Cruisers would be totally obsolete otherwise.

When I say that the secondaries were not designed for the planned ship I am being specific in saying that the final design which was to be implemented did not have those secondaries. I never claimed Scharnhorst to be a Cruiser.

Sounds like OP missed the Bismarck campaign, WG claim they gave out over 60 thousand Bismarcks  It's probably a placebo. But if there is equally sized or weaker force compared to your side, and you got inside that 10km range, full speed ahead, shoot anything that gives you any broadside, try to get their BB down with torps unless you have to use them to some other enemy ship.If someone tries to kite you, try to disengage, as he is most likely in faster ship, and has better accuracy... T7 and below USN and IJN BB's you can try to chase down.
Secondaries Gneisenau is the typical build, you'll see variations of this as the most common thing for this BB. Keep in mind your 128mm long range AA guns are the most powerful AA artillery you can find at T7 so you can effectively cover a small flotilla. Im only as good as the team. I don't mean to bring stats into this, but you yourself mentioned to another poster that you rarely survived in your Scharnhorst and so I checked that out. So when a ship like the Yorck, which also has a strenghtened midship, is able to bounce Scharnhorst's shells with her side while ships like Nagato would go through her side like a hot knife through butter, then there is an issue with Scharnhorsts guns. Only later, after the first enemies got sunk, you can excel at hunting down the rest. [SHOOT]

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