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Eine Anleitung zum Blockieren von Cookies finden Sie Natürlich ist es richtig, angesichts der sich anbahnenden tiefen Wirtschaftskrise taumelnden Unternehmen unter die Arme zu greifen. She has been selected as one of the two leading candidates for the 2017 elections, as a representative of the radical wing. But they also need to recognize that strong political coalitions and social movements are built by working with voters, many of whom hold less than perfectly antiracist views — not lecturing them.If Die Linke won’t participate in the next government, why should 2017 be a crucial year for the German left, both as a party and as a movement? Creating a different kind of movement will take time and, more importantly, patience. What makes German politics different — and what makes the Sahra question so pressing — is the unique position Die Linke occupies in the German political landscape.Unlike the US Democrats, Die Linke does not depend on private donations from the capitalist class; compared to the British Labour Party, it is much less integrated into the state. This potent combination creates a narrative in which the fight against those “up there” — the capitalists, politicians, European Union bureaucrats, and American hawks — transforms into hatred for and violence against the most vulnerable groups available: refugees and immigrants.Government policies have only made this story more convincing. Her overall strategy is to fight the AfD directly, challenging the right-wing narrative that combines very real material concerns with latent prejudice into a resurgence of nationalism and racism.

(Siehe NachDenkSeiten) „Revisionistische Kräfte wie China und Russland versuchen, die Welt neu zu ordnen… Der Rückzug der USA zwingt uns Europäer … The current alignment of political forces means that any role for the Left in the next government is highly unlikely.It is in this climate that the fight over Wagenknecht’s comments has evolved from a conflict over policy into an existential choice that will make or break the German left. The proposed minimum wage for refugees — which would sit below the normal minimum wage — poses a concrete threat to Germany’s low-wage workers and provides credence to the right-wing anti-immigrant narrative.So far, so familiar. Das klingt erst einmal toll – … This doesn't appear to be a valid email. Webseitenbetreiber müssen, um Ihre Webseiten DSGVO konform zu publizieren, ihre Besucher auf die Verwendung von Cookies hinweisen und darüber informieren, dass bei weiterem Besuch der Webseite von der Einwilligung des Nutzers Her days are full of talks, interviews and press conferences. Die Aktionäre kassieren, während die Mitarbeiter in Kurzarbeit geschickt wurden – mitfinanziert vom Staat. Darin ist einiges, was sinnvoll und jenseits der Coronakrise überfällig ist, etwa der Kinderbonus für Eltern oder die finanzielle Entlastung der Kommunen. Die Erklärung der Lufthansa dazu liest sich wie ein schlechter Witz: … Gruppe Wagenknecht - Blog Aufstehen mit Sahra. Maskenpflicht hier, keine da. 5. To its rural and conservative base — many of whom hesitate to embrace the AfD’s grandstanding, its noxious revisionism, and its blood-and-soil nationalism — it promises a more respectable resistance to immigration and cultural change.Die Linke, too, has lost votes to the AfD in Berlin and in former East Germany, but its problems run deeper than that.For years, Die Linke has tried and failed to reach the downtrodden “losers” of Germany’s neoliberal turn with the prospects of a “left-wing” coalition with the SPD and the Green Party.

No matter what the elections will bring, 2017 is the year in which Die Linke will either be doomed to irrelevance or reinvent itself with a new generation of Sahras who are prepared to meet the ugly realities of our age.At its core, the Sahra question concerns much more than the fate of one politician’s career or the party’s immigration policy. Ein ungewöhnliches Osterfest liegt hinter uns – ohne Freunde, ohne die Möglichkeit, Angehörige zu besuchen. Schulöffnung diese Woche, nächste oder im Juni; Maximal zwei Personen, die sich treffen dürfen, drei oder zwanzig; geöffnete Möbelhäuser oder geschlossene – bei den unterschiedlichen Maßnahmen der Bundesländer blickt doch keiner …

An den Abbau der Ungleichheit – 45 Deutsche „besitzen“ so viel wie die Hälfte … Meanwhile, its local — and often overtly reactionary — chapters benefit from the growing acceptance of xenophobia and racism in the wake of the AfD’s meteoric rise.Today, the CDU can appeal to both sides of the refugee debate.

Die … But the right-wing strategy of combining class-based grievances with latent racist and xenophobic attitudes poses a serious problem of political practice that does not adhere to the usual distinction between election-minded reformers and radical activists. Those sentiments have to be engaged with and fought over. Accustomed to being sidelined by the career politicians in their own party, many Die Linke activists fail to acknowledge that the reformists’ excessive compromises in government differ from Wagenknecht’s strategy to reach out to those currently enthralled by right-wing populism. Those Who Have Friends Like That Don’t Need Enemies (Sahra Wagenknecht) Translated by Dagmar and subtitled by Leo. Seit Wochen machen BMW, Daimler, VW und Co. schon Druck für eine … Wumms… Das Konjunkturpaket ist da.

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