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The dwellers of the town find themselves in the middle of a battlefield between the two deadly extraterrestrial creatures, and the small group of survivors splits between the leadership of Sheriff Eddie Morales and the bad-boy Dallas Howard.

Warring Alien and Predator races descend on a rural Colorado town, where unsuspecting residents must band together for any chance of survival. Warring Alien and Predator races descend on a rural Colorado town, where unsuspecting residents must band together for any chance of survival.Following the events of Alien vs. 本作ではエイリアンの特性について演出が多い反面、エイリアンの体液が持つ強酸性とその酸に耐える体の組織についての描写が省略されている。本作ではエイリアンと戦う人間の武器が狩猟用ラストシーンではエイリアンシリーズでエイリアンの軍事利用をもくろむ企業、「ウェイランドユタニ」の前身企業の関係者と思われる「ユタニ」という女性が登場する。このシーンではプレデターの武器が回収された事が示されていて、続編への伏線となっている。 A machine from a post-apocalyptic future travels back in time to protect a man and a woman from an advanced robotic assassin to ensure they both survive a nuclear attack.

Predator, and the maturation of the chestburster that erupted from the body of Scar (the Predator that defeated the Alien Queen) into an adult Predalien, the Predator scout ship crashes in the woods of Gunnison County. 2)just like predator 2(if you remember what it was about)alies v.s.

Predator: Requiem)は、2007年 12月に公開されたアメリカ合衆国の映画である。PG-12指定。人気SF作品エイリアンとプレデターをクロスオーバーさせた『エイリアンVSプレデター』の続編。

Predator - Requiem (DVD, 2008, 2-Disc Set, Special Edition) at the best online prices at … Both have different opinions about the best means to escape from the beings. I was only fourteen when I first saw the Alien movies and I immediately came to like it. It was strained, illogical with full of meaningless massacres. Aliens vs.

After her last encounter, Ellen Ripley crash-lands on Fiorina 161, a maximum security prison. Predator - Requiem (DVD, 2008, 2-Disc Set, Special Edition) -Aliens Vs. Directed by Colin Strause, Greg Strause. Well as it turned out in 2004 I was wrong. Was this review helpful to you?


200 years after her death, Ellen Ripley is revived as a powerful human/alien hybrid clone.

it is there only for the one and sole purpouse of explaining the previous movies. 本シリーズでは両作のお約束事を踏襲しているが、エイリアンの駆除と証拠隠滅を目的としているクリーナーが目的上の都合で人間と接触する機会が少ないためか、人間の言葉を真似して人間に向かって話す描写はない。ただし、たまたま聞き取った音声をマスクの中でリピートし、人間側の行動状況を把握しようとしている場面が多々存在する。

Predator - Requiem (Extreme Unrated Edition) DVD, Robert Joy, Aritem 2 AVP Aliens vs. Predator Requiem Unrated Special Edition DVDitem 3 Aliens Vs. A team of commandos on a mission in a Central American jungle find themselves hunted by an extraterrestrial warrior.

Warring Alien and Predator races descend on a rural Colorado town, where unsuspecting residents must band together for any chance of survival.


Predator - Requiem (DVD, 2008, 2-Disc Set, Special Edition) - NEW AVP: Aliens vs. Current slide {CURRENT_SLIDE} of {TOTAL_SLIDES}- Top picked itemsThe lowest-priced brand-new, unused, unopened, undamaged item in its original packaging (where packaging is applicable).Packaging should be the same as what is found in a retail store, unless the item is handmade or was packaged by the manufacturer in non-retail packaging, such as an unprinted box or plastic bag.See details for additional description.well,i think the movie is perfect. !SAW THIS AT THE THEATER & BOUGHT 1 DVD AFTER...BUT WAS SO DARK A COPY, I COULD SEE VERY LITTLE..AND THE 1'S AT THE RENTAL WERE JUST AS BAD.....THIS 1 IS A BIT BRIGHTER AND LONGER WITH ADDITIONAL FOOTAGE....EVEN DIFFERENT SCENES....A MUCH BETTER MOVIE IN CONTENT & SHOCK...(NOT FOR YOUNG CHILDREN)ALSO READ THAT THEY ARE MAKING A 3rd MOVIE.........CAN NOT WAIT TO SEE THAT 1(BUT I HAVE TO):) GIVE THIS COPY A LOOK SEE...........I was hesitant when I bought this movie due to the experience with AVP1. This movie is rather impudence, than honor to the fans of the both sides (Alien/Predator).

Predator - Requiem (DVD, 2008, 2-Disc Set, Special Edition) -Aliens Vs. After a space merchant vessel receives an unknown transmission as a distress call, one of the crew is attacked by a mysterious life form and they soon realize that its life cycle has merely begun. When a series of strange and deadly events occur shortly after her arrival, Ripley realizes that she has brought along an unwelcome visitor.

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